What we're loving, right now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Guess I Should Just Start...

I have to admit that starting this blog has been easy (thanks blogger!)...but starting this blog has been really hard too.

Let me start from the beginning...

I am an expert admirer of beautiful things. And while my tastes are eclectic the look/style that I am attracted to I describe as urban prep. Best described as a cross between chic and sleek modern city living with a pop of color and whimsy thrown in for good measure. Urban prep isn't just about one particular category of goods for me; it best describes how I think about food, fashion & jewelry, design and decor. I love to talk about, buy, research, and stalk all these things; I just can't get enough. These are my passions, perhaps addiction is a more appropriate word (my husband would agree). Over the years I have casually shared with friends my feelings, thoughts, ideas, information, and recommendations. Now I thought I would take the next step and write it down and possible share what I have learned with a larger audience (or not--i guess that depends on you). At least i have decided to give it a shot. I will do my best to follow through and post regularly. My goal is to provide helpful and hopefully interesting info that I have picked up during my long love affair with all things I consider urban prep.

Oh yeah I can not let this occasion pass without saying thanks to a persistent friend (you know who you are) for coaxing me to try...

Xoxo, Coco


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